Allan Taylor’s Publishing Services


Proofreading Projects

But Darling, I'm Your Auntie Mame!
by Richard Tyler Jordan
(NY: Kensington Books)

Hollywood Divas
by James Robert Parish
(NY: Contemporary Books)

In Search of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
The True-Life Origins & Cultural Impact of the Classic Horror Story
by Raymond T. McNally & Radu R. Florescu
(LA: Renaissance Books)

Morality and Work:
Philosophic Reflections on a Free Society

by Tibor R. Machan
(Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press)


Democrats Do the Dumbest Things
by Bill Crawford
(LA: Renaissance Books)

The Front Runner
by Patricia Nell Warren
(NY: Plume/Penguin)
(revised paperback edition of hardcover novel)

Gus Van Sant: An Unauthorized Biography
by James Robert Parish
(NY: Thunder's Mouth Press)

Hollywood 101: The Film Industry, How to Succeed
in Hollywood Without Connections
by Frederick Levy (LA: Renaissance Books)

James Cameron
by Marc Shapiro
(LA: Renaissance Books)

Republicans Do the Dumbest Things
by Bill Crawford
(LA: Renaissance Books)

Roger Corman: An Unauthorized Biography
of the Godfather of Indie Filmmaking
by Beverly Gray
(LA: Renaissance Books)

The Ultimate Marilyn
by Ernest W. Cunningham
(LA: Renaissance Books)


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